Velan ABV news

Safety First
Covid-19 has probably been the greater global shock experienced in the latest decades. It had and still has tremendous impacts on people's health, lifestyle and economy. In such difficult time we always tried to keep in mind that we, as a Company, had a commitment to our employees, our customers and the community in which we operate.
From the outset of lockdown, we are continuously working to carry out a range of safety systems ensuring protection to all our staff. Among the first in our industry we drew up and adopted protocols to avoid the spread of the virus: working-from-home policies, protection for employees with health deficits, respect of physical distancing, wearing masks and special sanitization of all work areas.
All the measures, shared with workers and thanks to their discipline, allowed Velan ABV to operate without interruption and without having any case of infection.
Entering into the second phase of the management of the outbreak we also decided to join the campaign of epidemiological screening through serological test in order to preserve the health of our employees also in the long term.
What about serological campaign? The purpose of the screening campaign is to identify any asymptomatic person, who may have been exposed to the virus and potentially infecting colleagues.Serological test offers the chance to identify any clinically silent case and aims to provide a traceability system to the Health Organization.
The test, offered by Velan ABV to all employees, is an important step to suppress the contagion curve and for gradually and carefully come out from this situation.
Our commitment with customers. Even in this critical situation, we never stopped working closely with our customers. From this experience, we learned that smartworking is not a synonym of crisis, but a chance to build an even-closer partnership with our customers. Everyone at Velan, from Sales team to Engineering and the whole Production, offered their own contribution to assist and support Customer specific needs despite of Corona virus.
We are now looking to the future with the same determination shown so far. Keep observing frequent hand washing and physical distancing and other directions of the Government to ensure safe and healthy behaviours in our workplace.