Velan ABV news

Velan ABV 52" Top-entry Ball valve-Watch the Video
Another 52" TOP-ENTRY BALL VALVE for on/off service has been completed and succesfully sent to customer.
Thanks to the hard work and the great commitment of our team, we are proud to celebrate another successful achievement for Velan ABV.
We provided a wide package of API 6D top-entry ball valves from 2 to 52 inches ASME 600, Raised face end connections, to be installed in UAE pipeline applications.
The products developed by our team are carefully tailored to reach customer’s requirements especially for critical applications.
We consider these outcomes as the most interesting industry challenges, never stop seeing new commitments as a great opportunity to satisfy customers needs.
Top-entry trunnion ball valves are the perfect solution for both offshore and onshore systems.
Convenience of operation and maintenance are essential features of our design simplifying in-line disassembly for trim inspection or internal repairs even where space is restrictive.
Main benefits:
- High level of safety and reliability
- Simple in-line maintenance for trim inspection or internal repairs, operators have access to the trim removing the bonnet.
- Special tools available for valve directly in-line disassembly
- Optimal corrosion resistance at both high and low pressures
- Superior sealing performance
- VABV peculiar design which allows easy retreat of seats in parallel position avoiding any risk of damage of the ball during disassembly
This is the evidence of Velan ABV ability, the proof of high capability and technical skills pursuing international standard and specific customer requests.