Velan ABV news

Velan ABV, tradition and innovation on BUSINESS 24
We are proud to announce the interview of Velan ABV on Business 24. Paolo Ranieri, Managing Director and CEO of Velan ABV and Nicola Lucchesi, Technical and R&D manager, had the chance to present our company to the public, talking about our recent successes.
In the interview, our managers introduced our strong reality that has grown over time, focusing on the high-quality level of our products and the ongoing support we provide to Customers all over the world.
Our history, our capability to keep strong relationships with our Customers, our wide product range, and future challenges had been the focus of the interview and the keywords of our daily work.
Thanks to this opportunity, Paolo Ranieri and Nicola Lucchesi tried to communicate the spirit that has been driving the company since the last twenty years, highlighting the key success factors that led to a significant company growth based on a strong know-how and a consolidated tradition.
Nicola Lucchesi,technical and R&D manager,states: “What matters most are our customized valves, our strength derives from the fact that we always meet any Customer demand, respecting international standards.”
Nicola affirms that the perfect mix that allowed us to obtain excellent achievements had been a fundamental change in our way of doing business: “Over time we understood that our reality had to focus more and more on Customer needs, so we decided to make a change: strengthen our engineering department.”
As a matter of fact, in the last years, we went from a traditional mechanical manufacturing company to a company that has Engineering as its key element. Every order we receive is reviewed and optimized by our technical department to be always in accordance with the peculiar standards of each Customer. The engineering services we provide include technical project management, design and analysis, standard and Custom testing. Consequently, we have consolidated our supply chain and made our quality department our fundamental pillar.
Nicola Lucchesi also adds:“The closeness to Customers led us to developing and considerably expanding our product portfolio. In the last years, Oil &Gas main players needed to reduce costs. What we did was to make minor changes in our valves, without changing the design and preserving our recognized level of quality. This fact led us to provide valves with a significant saving in terms of space and weight, so the Client will have the benefit to obtain valves more suitable for their services at a competitive price.“
But this was not the only point to consider, Paolo Ranieri states: “In recent years the know-how has been a mix of experience and innovation. One of the strengths of our company is the innovation in our products as well as in the staff. In the last two years we have renewed over 50% of our staff, faced an increase in turnover, which has almost doubled, (while maintaining the same level of quality; one of the important things that Customers recognizes is the excellent performance of our valves; 99% pass the test the first time). This renewal had been fundamental, this passage from one generation with experience to another that brings ideas and technological innovations. I think the mix between the two is one of the best results. "
For facing future challenges Paolo Ranieri affirms: “There are two main aspects to consider: the first, is the closeness to our Customers. Our Customer moves around, the world is global, so we always ensure closeness to him. The second point that we want to obtain, in a long-term prospective, is the digitalisation of our processes. We are traditionally engineers linked to steel, but steel and world are changing, so thinking of something new is something we want to keep in mind also with the help of systems and companies that can bring new ideas to the sector, so trying to include these aspects in our way of doing business to offer an ever-better service is one of the projects we are working on.”
We thank the “Pole Position” staff, who after our recently successes were pleased to include our company in their tv program. It was a great opportunity to introduce our company to international public and demonstrate how the mix between ideas and skills can be the perfect recipe for achieving long-terms results and being one step ahead of competition.